DiscountCodeBuilder FAQs

Discount Code Builder FAQs

How do I use DCB?

Download the user’s guide: DiscountCodeBuilder User Manual

What can I do with DCB?
Using DCB you can create a single discount code that will apply to a variety of product collections. You can designate a different discount for each collection.

What if I want to discount just one collection?
No problem! Create a discount code and add only the one collection you want discounted.

What if a product appears in more than one collection in my discount?
DCB will apply the largest of the two discounts. For example: the discount for the running shoe collection is 25% and the discount for the tennis shoe collection is 20%. If a pair of shoes is in both collections the shoes will be discounted at the 25% rate.

Can I schedule discounts to start and expire?
Yes! Just add the start and end dates and times on the app dashboard


Can I override the dates to activate or deactivate a discount code?
Yup! Click the “Is Active” check box then click “Save Discount”


What if I have more than one discount code to shop with?
Just navigate to the top of the page and enter your second code. Your new discounts will show on the products.

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