News from Cartonomy
Walmart Acquires Modcloth, but Will it Engage its Community?
As part of its ongoing quest to compete with Amazon, Walmart has been rapidly buying up online shopping startups. Companies like Jet.com and Shoebuy have sold to Walmart, seizing the opportunity to expand their platforms and scale more easily by taking advantage of...What Marketers Need to Know About the New LinkedIn User Interface
Change can be hard. Just when we thought we knew all the tricks of the trade, the whole game changes! And yet, such is life. As usual, whenever a major social network makes updates, some people are happy about it and others are annoyed. The most successful among us...What You Need to Know about SEO for Ecommerce in 2017
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an industry that is constantly in flux, always adjusting to the whims of Google’s frequent algorithm updates. As search engines such as Google and Bing continue to tweak their algorithms, aiming to provide an increasingly better...How to Do Last Minute Holiday Shopping that Doesn’t Look So Last Minute
"Hold it to the last second and then throw it as far as you can. Just like we drew it up, guys!" Admit it. You walked into a store today only to have a clerk with fashionable eyewear tell you that Black Friday was like sooo many Fridays ago. Of course,...3 Tips for a Better Holiday Shopping Experience
It’s safer in here. Holiday shopping can be confusing and stressful for everyone. Don’t let it get you overwhelmed! With offers flooding our inboxes, commercials urging us to take advantage of holiday sales and discounts, and more coupons than we...3 Ways to Make Your Amazon Store Stand Out
For the past ten years, the world of ecommerce has been dominated by one Seattle-based ecommerce and cloud computing company we know as Amazon.com. The rise of Amazon has brought with it a mixed bag of both advantages and disadvantages for online sellers. Pros: Amazon...3 Ways to Boost Ecommerce Holiday Sales
Tis the season to get busy…
The holidays are almost here and now is the time (if you haven’t started already) to make sure your ecommerce store is prepared for the commercial madness that’s about to ensue.